Corporate Social Responsibility
We present a list of actions which, irrespective of the applicable legislation, we have been applying for years and consider to be an indispensable element of our company policy. Our aim is to act in a sustainable and socially responsible manner. Our activities consist of investing in human resources, supporting environmental protection, good relations with the local community and building relationships with partners. Our sustainability activities have a positive impact on the entire environment of our company and result in deepening good interpersonal relations.
People - decent work, education, gender equality
What we can do in this respect is to look after our employees and their quality of life.
• Our HR policy ensures high standards of equal treatment and equal opportunities.
• We treat all employees equally and with respect – regardless of gender, age, colour, national origin, religion or disability.
• When hiring, we only look at the skills and qualifications of potential employees.
• We offer employment contracts and a decent salary.
• We care about the development of our employees, access to education and knowledge that enhances their qualifications.
Local industry
We are fully aware that our surroundings are also the local market; producers and entrepreneurs. In our activity we try to build relationships with companies from Krakow and the Małopolska Region. Thanks to our long-standing cooperation with many partners, we feel we have an influence on the well-being of the tourism industry in our region.
Responsibility in the organisation of events
We have been organising events of all scales for over 25 years and have experience in producing original events as well as those commissioned by contractors. We know that a high awareness of ecology promotes care for our planet and quality of life for all of us. Using available technologies and capabilities, we strive to propose and implement solutions that are environmentally friendly, particularly by reducing energy, water and paper consumption. When choosing subcontractors, we look for offers that propose to use reusable materials.
Catering services
Catering is an inseparable part of the events we organise, we know how important the quality of the service is for our clients. The companies we work with have many years of experience and improve the quality of their services with every event they organise.
• Together we want to reduce food waste by using available solutions such as foodsharing.
• Our subcontractors have significantly reduced their use of plastic – they use porcelain and glass and, where this is not possible, biodegradable packaging.

International exhibition and convention centre EXPO Krakow
A major challenge in the process of running a company according to a sustainable development policy is facility management. As the owner and operator of the International Exhibition and Convention Centre EXPO Krakow, we have been dealing with this for several years. We are aware that the activities of a private company like ours, without the financial support of the city, are more difficult. However, we believe that with thoughtful solutions and an experienced team, we can really do a lot for our environment.
• In 2014, we built a trade fair and congress facility with our own funds. The investment has led to the revitalisation of the area and is a prelude to the revitalisation of the post-industrial Czyżyny district in Krakow.
• The building is managed by a BMS - Building Management System - which coordinates and optimises the operation of all equipment in the building.
• Daylight is available in 95% of the facility.
• At the design stage of the building we paid particular attention to the need to use modern technologies and materials of the highest thermal insulation class.
• On the basis of detailed analyses carried out (in close cooperation with the Municipal Heating Company (MPEC), we have introduced an automatic EKO mode of heating the facility, which, by controlling dampers of heating devices, allows for a significant reduction in the consumption of technological heat.
• Replacement of lighting with LED bulbs
• We segregate waste in the office according to the ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment of December 29, 2016.
• We have introduced special charges for exhibitor waste – additional segregation is carried out by our cleaning service.
• We prefer a specific type of system building that is reusable.
• In the halls we have a separate sewage system in the media ducts.
• We plan to install photovoltaic panels.
• We control water consumption and carry out surveillance of rainwater.
Partnership for sustainable development - KRAKOW NETWORK
We are part of our city and region, and we know how important it is to work together to develop and strengthen the industry. In line with the Sustainable Tourism Policy for Krakow 2021-2028, we want to introduce sustainable solutions that enable harmony in the city. We are a member of the KRAKOW NETWORK project, which creates a platform for cooperation between companies in our sector. The project provides an opportunity to share experience, support the activities of individual members and build a network of partnerships. In addition, the members of the project, together with the city, are opening up to the residents of Krakow, listening to their needs and encouraging them to become active in pro-social activities.
Commitment to environmental protection
During the construction of the EXPO Krakow we obtained permission to remove some trees interfering with the architectural design. After completion, we planted twice as many trees as grew before construction. We also left more green space than the planning permission stipulated – we decided not to expand the car park area, thus preserving a green area of over 20,000 sq. m.
Our initiatives
I am oncology alert
which is an action realised during the KRAKDENT® 2019 International Dental Trade Fair. Demonstrations of oral cancer screening took place at the stands of the participating companies. Dentists-visitors learned how to identify cancer risks during a standard oral examination. In addition to us, they invited us to participate in the action: Foundation for Fighting Oral Cancer “With a Smile Through Life”, Department of Integrated Dentistry and Department of Periodontology and Clinical Oral Pathology at the Institute of Dentistry, Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum.
Rescue Calories
or supporting the catering and medical industry in 2020. Within 2 days we delivered 92 lunch sets and croissant packs to three hospitals in Kraków: The University Hospital, J. Dietl Specialist Hospital and Stefan Żeromski Specialist Hospital.
carried out jointly with exhibitors at the KRAKDENT® International Dental Trade Fair. Their donations (e.g. toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss) are passed on to family-run children's homes.
aimed to encourage participation in an online fundraiser to help doctors and hospitals in the fight against coronavirus. Like all participants, we recorded a 16-verse song, published and nominated more performers to increase the reach of the campaign.
ANTYCOVID EXPO (October 2020)
Targi w Krakowie has established co-operation with the Krakow headquarters of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. Exhibitors at ANTYCOVID EXPO were keen to join in the joint activities and donated products that were auctioned off for charity. During the fair, it was also possible to support the Hospice of St Lazarus Hospice , which found itself in a very difficult situation due to the pandemic.
Carol Service for St Lazarus Hospice in Kraków
Recording of the carol “Today in Bethlehem” (performed by our employees and accompanied by prof. dr hab. Andrzej Pikul, an eminent pianist and pedagogue) we posted on social media and nominated more companies to increase the charity's reach.
Student Zone Competition
has been organised for 10 years during the International Packaging Trade Fair, Packaging Innovations in Warsaw. Young designers, finalists in three categories (Impression, Functionality and Form, Graphic Design) present their work every year at the Student Zone stand, thanks to which they have the opportunity to establish relations with the packaging industry environment, which often results in interesting internship or even job offers.
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
for many years we have been giving interesting gifts to auction, such as a book written by Nobel Prize winner Herta Miller, Polish writers and readers; a huge composite heart with autographs of famous Cracovians; a huge replica of the Wawel dragon. Donations for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity were also made via our fair exhibitors.